(1) Tell 5 words that begin with "m " .
--- man mat map may mix
(2) Tell 5 words that begin with " b ".
--- bat boy bug bed bud
(3) Tell 5 words that end with " t ".
--- cat rat bat fat hut
(4) Tell 5 words that end with "y " .
--- boy toy Joy soy fry
(5) Tell 5 words that begin with "c ".
--- cow cat cap car cup
(6) Tell 5 words that end with "n " .
--- pen ten den man van
(7) Tell 5 words that begin with "d " .
--- dog day doll dam duck
(8) Tell 5 words that begin with " f " .
--- fan fish food father fat
(9) Tell 5 words that end with "m " .
--- dam jam ram dim rim
(10) Tell 5 words that end with "ll " .
--- ball call tall wall doll
(11) Tell 5 words that begin with "k " .
--- key king kind keep Kite
(12) Tell 5 words that end with "r ".
--- car jar war bar door
(13) Tell 5 words that end with "x " .
--- fox box ox six mix
(14) Tell 5 words that begin with "h " .
--- hut hat hit house hall
(15) Tell 5 words that begin with "g ".
--- gun game good green grass
(16)Tell 5 words that begin with "e " .
--- eye eat egg ear elephant
(17)Tell 5 words that end with "k " .
--- book hook cook lock cock
(18)Tell 5 words that begin with "s " .
--- sun say sin sit song
(19)Tell 5 words that end with "ee".
--- see tree free three bee
(20)Tell 5 words that end with "o ".
--- so go no do who
(21)Tell 5 words that end with " g ".
--- big pig dig wig fig
Shankar Sitaram Chaure
Pimpalner Tal. Sakri Dist. Dhule
Mobile no.-9422736775